Microsim Tutorial¶
This guide walks through some of the basic concepts of microsim, with examples
Creating a sample¶
The simulation begins with some sort of sample or "ground truth". This is
essentially a spatial distribution of signal-emitting objects. microsim
provides a few built-in sample distributions, but you can also create your own.
The distribution is represented as a count of fluorophores in a 3-dimensional space. That space is referred to as the truth space. So, a very basic sample example, drawing some randomly oriented lines into a 64x256x256 space, with a ground truth voxel size of 10nm x 10nm x 10nm, might look like this:
from microsim import schema as ms
from microsim.util import ortho_plot
sim = ms.Simulation(
truth_space=ms.ShapeScaleSpace(shape=(64, 256, 256), scale=0.01),
ortho_plot(sim.ground_truth(), mip=True)
Biologically realistic ground truth from Janelia CellMap¶
We can also create more biologically realistic ground truth. For example, microsim provides a wrapper around the Janelia OpenOrganelle dataset, which is a rich dataset of FIB-SEM images of cells, together with annotations of various organelles. Let's simulate endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria (mito):
from microsim import schema as ms
sim = ms.Simulation(
shape=(64, 512, 512),
scale=(0.064, 0.064, 0.064),
# dataset & label names from https://openorganelle.janelia.org/datasets
ms.CosemLabel(dataset="jrc_hela-3", label="er-mem_pred"),
ms.CosemLabel(dataset="jrc_hela-3", label="mito-mem_pred"),
ortho_plot(sim.ground_truth(), z=18)
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(or, plotted as maximum intensity projection):
ortho_plot(sim.ground_truth(), mip=True)
Optical Image¶
Without any additional config, we can simulate an image as viewed with a widefield microscope:
ortho_plot(sim.optical_image(), z=18)
OK ... looks more or less like a widefield image of a cell. But there's something wrong: the organelles are superimposed in the same channel! That makes sense, since we haven't added any information about the fluorophores and filters. Let's add the concept of fluorophores and optical configurations.
Fluorophores, Spectra, and Optical Configurations¶
Here we'll turn the three CosemLabel
objects into FluorophoreDistribution
objects, each with a specified fluorophore
(the information for each
fluorophore is pulled from FPbase). We'll also specify
the channels
in the simulation, which is a list of OpticalConfiguration
objects. These objects describe the optical configuration of the microscope,
including the excitation and emission spectra of the light sources and
detectors. Here too, we'll pull the information from FPbase, using
configurations from the Example Simple
Widefield microscope.
from microsim import schema as ms
sim = ms.Simulation(
shape=(64, 512, 512),
scale=(0.064, 0.064, 0.064),
# dataset & label names from https://openorganelle.janelia.org/datasets
distribution=ms.CosemLabel(dataset="jrc_hela-3", label="er-mem_pred"),
distribution=ms.CosemLabel(dataset="jrc_hela-3", label="mito-mem_pred"),
microscope_id="wKqWbg", config_name="Widefield Green"
microscope_id="wKqWbg", config_name="Widefield Red"
Let's first discuss how the fluorophores are excited and collected by our optical configurations. The number of photons emitted by a fluorophore and collected by a detector in any given channel is determined by multiple things, including:
- How well the absorption spectrum of the fluorophore overlaps with the excitation spectrum of the light source
- How well the emission spectrum of the fluorophore overlaps with the spectra of the filters in the emission path and the detector.
Fluorophore Absorption Spectrum¶
We can visualize the absorption spectra of the fluorophores in our sample, which represents how well each of the fluorophores absorbs light at a specific wavelength:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
for lbl in sim.sample.labels:
fluor = lbl.fluorophore
Absorption cross section
The excitation spectra have been scaled here by the extinction coefficient of the fluorophore and converted to absorption cross-section ($\sigma$) using the formula:
$$ \sigma(\lambda) = \log(10) \times 10^3 \times \frac{E(\lambda)}{N_A} $$
Where $E(\lambda)$ is the wavelength-dependent extinction coefficient in $M^{-1} cm^{-1}$, and $N_A$ is Avogadro's number.
Excitation Path Illumination Flux¶
The filters and light sources in each of the optical configurations determine its excitation profile and power. Here, we plot the individual excitation profiles of each of the filters in each channel, as well as the total combined illumination flux density ($photons / cm^2 / sec$) for each channel:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(sim.channels), figsize=(12, 3))
for _ch_idx, oc in enumerate(sim.channels):
Illumination flux
The illumination flux density ($\phi_{\text{flux}}$) for a given channel is a measure of the photons per unit area per second delivered to the specimen:
$$ \phi_{\text{flux}}(\lambda) = \frac{P_{\text{exc}}(\lambda) \cdot \lambda}{hc} $$
- $P_{\text{exc}}(\lambda)$ is the irradiance of the excitation light source at wavelength $\lambda$ (in units of $W/cm^2$)
- $h$ is Planck's constant
- $c$ is the speed of light, and $\lambda$ is the wavelength of the light source in meters.
Note: the default power of the light source is $1W/cm^2$ (summed over all
wavelengths), which is a typical (low) value for a widefield microscope. You
can change this value by setting the power
attribute of the
Fluorophore Absorption Rate¶
The product of the absorption cross section and the illumination flux gives us the wavelength-dependent absorption rate (in $photons/sec$) for each channel-fluorophore pair.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(sim.channels), figsize=(12, 3))
for _ch_idx, oc in enumerate(sim.channels):
for lbl in sim.sample.labels:
fluor = lbl.fluorophore
abs_rate = oc.absorption_rate(fluor)
label = f"{fluor.name} ({abs_rate.sum():.0f} photons/s)"
abs_rate.plot(ax=axes[_ch_idx], label=label)
axes[_ch_idx].set_xlim(400, 700)
axes[_ch_idx].legend(loc="center right")
Absorption rate
Absorption rate ($\phi_{\text{abs}}$) is calculated as:
$$ \phi_{\text{abs}}(\lambda) = \sigma(\lambda) \times \phi_{\text{flux}}(\lambda) $$
- $\sigma(\lambda)$ is the absorption cross section of the fluorophore at wavelength $\lambda$
- $\phi_{\text{flux}}(\lambda)$ is the illumination flux density ($photons/cm^2/sec)$ at wavelength $\lambda$, described above.
As expected, EGFP is best excited by the "green" channel (with a 495 excitation filter), while mCherry is best excited by the "red" channel (with a 593 filter). Note, however, that the "green" channel also slightly excites mCherry. This is a potential source of crosstalk in the image.
Fluorophore Emission Rate¶
We convert absorption rate to emission rate by normalizing the area under the emission spectrum of the fluorophore to the total number of photons absorbed by the fluorophore, multiplied by the quantum yield of the fluorophore. This gives us the number of photons emitted by each fluorophore, when illuminated by each channel, at each wavelength. These photons are distributed according to the emission spectrum of the fluorophore:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(sim.channels), figsize=(12, 3))
for _ch_idx, oc in enumerate(sim.channels):
for lbl in sim.sample.labels:
fluor = lbl.fluorophore
em_rate = oc.total_emission_rate(fluor)
label = (
f"{fluor.name} (QY: {fluor.quantum_yield}) "
f"({em_rate.sum():.0f} tot photons/s)"
em_rate.plot(ax=axes[_ch_idx], label=label)
axes[_ch_idx].set_xlim(400, 800)
As expected, EGFP is emitting more photons when imaged in the "Widefield Green" channel, and mCherry is emitting more photons when imaged in the "Widefield Red" channel.
Emission rate
The total emission rate ($\phi_{\text{em}}$) of a given fluorophore in a given channel is calculated as:
$$ \phi_{\text{em}}(\lambda) = \frac{I_{\text{em}}(\lambda)}{\int I_{\text{em}}(\lambda) d\lambda} \times QY \times \phi_{\text{abs}}(\lambda) $$
- $I_{\text{em}}(\lambda)$ is the emission spectrum of the fluorophore at wavelength $\lambda$ (normalized such that the total area under the curve is 1)
- $QY$ is the quantum yield of the fluorophore
- $\phi_{\text{abs}}(\lambda)$ is the absorption rate of the fluorophore at wavelength $\lambda$, described above.
Emission Path Collection Efficiency¶
The photons then travel through the emission filters and hit the detector, which itself has some wavelength-specific quantum efficiency (not shown here). The combined transmission percentage of all of the filters in the emission path, and the QE of the detector if specified, gives us the combined collection efficiency:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(sim.channels), figsize=(12, 3))
for _ch_idx, oc in enumerate(sim.channels):
Collection Rate¶
The product of the emission rate and the combined collection efficiency gives us the collection rate: the number of photons/sec detected for each fluorophore, in each channel:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(sim.channels), figsize=(12, 3))
for _ch_idx, oc in enumerate(sim.channels):
for lbl in sim.sample.labels:
fluor = lbl.fluorophore
oc.total_emission_rate(fluor).plot(ax=axes[_ch_idx], color="k", alpha=0.1)
filtered_rate = oc.filtered_emission_rate(fluor)
label = f"{fluor.name} ({filtered_rate.sum():.0f} tot photons/s)"
filtered_rate.plot(ax=axes[_ch_idx], label=label)
axes[_ch_idx].set_xlim(400, 800)
Don't forget the optics
Note that this is not the end of the story!
The math so far assumes we collect photons emitted in every direction. In reality, the number of photons detected is additionally affected by numerical aperture of the detector, transmission efficiency of the optics, and other factors. We may deal with those later.
Optical Image, Revisited¶
Now that we've added fluorophores and optical configurations, we know how to assign photons to different channels. Let's simulate the optical image again:
ortho_plot(sim.optical_image(), z=18)
Detectors, Pixelation, and Noise¶
The final step in the simulation is to convert the optical rates into a digital
image. Let's add a detector, which determines the noise. We're also adding an
object, which describes the pixelation of the detector.
Don't forget the optics
There are obviously more factors that affect the pixelation of the final image, including magnification and the photodiode size of the detector. We will deal with those in the future, for now we represent the final pixel size as a downscaled multiple of the voxel size in the ground truth.
# mutating the simulation in-place
sim.detector = ms.detectors.lib.ICX285
sim.output_space = ms.DownscaledSpace(downscale=2)
ortho_plot(sim.digital_image(exposure_ms=100), z=9)
# lower exposure time
ortho_plot(sim.digital_image(exposure_ms=10), z=9)
# lower exposure time, but higher illumination power
sim.channels[0].power = 10
sim.channels[1].power = 10
ortho_plot(sim.digital_image(exposure_ms=10), z=9)
Imaging Modality¶
The default image modality is Widefield, but we can also simulate other imaging
modalities by changing the Simulation.modality
attribute. Note here
how confocal imaging reduces the axial extent of the PSF and increases the
contrast of the image:
sim.modality = ms.Confocal(pinhole_au=1)
ortho_plot(sim.digital_image(exposure_ms=10), z=9)