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Simulation Stages#

The simulation is divided into several stages, each of which is responsible for a specific part of the simulation process. The stages are executed in the following order:

  1. Establishing the 3D space in which the simulation is performed
  2. Generation of the ground truth target/fluorophore positions
  3. Calculation of emission photon fluxes
  4. Forming the optical image
  5. Noise and downsampling in the digital image

Space creation#

  • value units: N/A
  • dimensions:
    • Z: planes along the optical axis (units length).
    • Y: rows (units length).
    • X: columns (units length).

The simulation starts with the declaration of a discrete 3D volume in which the simulation will take place. The volume is defined by its shape and scale (voxel size in physical units). Typically, this volume will be many times larger than the final image size (in terms of shape) so as to be able to represent very fine ground truth structures that will be blurred by the imaging system. At a later stage, this volume will be downsampled to the final image shape and scale (representing the detector pixel sizes).


The following example creates a 3D volume of shape (512, 1024, 1024) with voxel sizes of (0.04, 0.02, 0.02) microns (i.e. a volume of 20.48 x 20.48 x 20.48 µm). The output_space parameter specifies that the final image will be downsampled by a factor of 4, into a volume of shape (128, 256, 256) with voxel sizes of (0.16, 0.08, 0.08) microns. Note that the extents of the ground truth and output volumes are the same.

from microsim import Simulation

sim = Simulation(
    truth_space={'shape': (512, 1024, 1024), 'scale': (0.04, 0.02, 0.02)},
    output_space={"downscale": 4},

Ground Truth#

  • method: Simulation.ground_truth
  • value units: fluorophore counts
  • dimensions:
    • F: Fluorophore (categorical unit Fluorophore)
    • Z: planes along the optical axis (units length).
    • Y: rows (units length).
    • X: columns (units length)

The ground truth stage is responsible for generating the positions and number of the fluorophores in the 3D space. Each FluorophoreDistribution object in the simulation specifies the position, number, species (e.g. mEGFP) of fluorophores in the volume. The ground truth will have dimensions (F, Z, Y, X) where len(F) is determined by the number of labels in the sample field of the Simulation; the values in the ground truth array represent the number of fluorophores present at each voxel in the volume.


Here is an example using a ground-truth generator MatsLines that draws random lines in the volume. The fluorophore is specified to be EGFP.

When specifying the fluorophore as a string, microsim will load properties from FPbase. Otherwise, you may directly create a Fluorophore object.

sim = Simulation(
    # ...,
        'labels': [
                'distribution': {'type': 'matslines', 'density': 0.5, 'length': 30, 'azimuth': 5},
                'fluorophore': 'EGFP'

Have a cool ground truth generator?

This is obviously a very important stage, as the quality of the ground truth will directly affect the realism of the simulation. We provide several built-in ground truth generators, but we would love to expand this with additional user-contributed methods. Please open a PR! We will help 🙂

Fluorophore Emission & Collection#

In this stage, we calculate the rate of photon emission & collection for each combination of fluorophore and optical configuration in the simulation, as a function of wavelength. This is still considered to be in the "pre-optical" domain, before the effects of the detection optics are applied, but after any effects of the emission optics and QE are applied. (i.e. it's slightly out of order, but it allows us to more accurately calculate wavelength effects).

This array is not spatially aware, but will be combined with the ground truth array of fluorophore concentration to determine the spatial distribution of emitted photons.

This stage includes a number of calculations, and will generally depend on:

  • the excitation spectrum of the fluorophore
  • the spectrum and irradiance (W/cm^2) of the excitation light source and filters
  • the molecular brightness of the fluorophore (extinction coefficient and quantum yield).
  • the spectral transmission of the emission filters and detector QE.

Absorption cross section#

The absorption cross section \(\sigma\) (in \(cm^2\)) of the fluorophore at each wavelength is given by:

\[ \sigma(\lambda) = \log(10) \frac{\epsilon(\lambda) \cdot 10^3}{N_A} \]


  • \(\epsilon(\lambda)\) is the Molar extinction coefficient at each wavelength (\(\text{M}^{-1} \text{cm}^{-1}\))
  • \(N_A\) is Avogadro's number (\(6.022 \times 10^{23} / \text{mol}\))

Irradiance Flux Density#

The flux of excitation photons \(\Phi_{\text{ex}}\) (in \(photons/cm^2/sec\)) at each wavelength is given by:

\[ \Phi_{\text{ex}}(\lambda) = \frac{P(\lambda) \cdot \lambda}{hc} \]


  • \(P(\lambda)\) The spectrum of the light source and its irradiance (\(W/cm^2\))
  • \(h\) is Planck's constant (\(6.626 \times 10^{-34} J \cdot s\))
  • \(c\) is the speed of light (\(3 \times 10^8\) \(m/s\))
  • \(\lambda\): the wavelength of the excitation photons (\(m\)).

Note that in the simulation, \(P(\lambda)\) will also include the effects of the excitation filters, which will reduce the irradiance at specific wavelengths.

Absorption Rate#

The effective rate of photon absorption \(\Phi_{\text{abs}}\) (in \(photons/sec\)) at each wavelength is the product of the excitation flux and the absorption cross section:

\[ \Phi_{\text{abs}}(\lambda) = \Phi_{\text{ex}}(\lambda) \times \sigma(\lambda) \]

Summed over all wavelengths, this gives the total absorption rate \(\Phi_{\text{abs,total}}\):

\[ \Phi_{\text{abs,total}} = \sum_{\lambda} \Phi_{\text{abs}}(\lambda) \]

Emission Rate#

To convert the absorption rate into an emission rate, we need to consider the quantum yield \(\eta\) of the fluorophore, and the emission spectrum of the fluorophore. First, we normalize the emission spectrum \(I_{\text{em}}(\lambda)\) so that the integral over all wavelengths is 1:

\[ \tilde{I}_{\text{em}}(\lambda) = \frac{I_{\text{em}}(\lambda)}{\sum_{\lambda} I_{\text{em}}(\lambda)} \]

The emission rate \(\Phi_{\text{em}}\) (in \(photons/sec\)) at each wavelength is calculated by multiplying the normalized emission spectrum by the absorption rate and the quantum yield \(\eta\):

\[ \Phi_{\text{em}}(\lambda) = \eta \times \Phi_{\text{abs, total}} \times \tilde{I}_{\text{em}}(\lambda) \]


  • \(\eta\) is the quantum yield of the fluorophore.

Filtered Emission Flux#

The emission rate \(\Phi_{\text{em}}\) is then multiplied by the combined transmission of the emission filters and the quantum efficiency of the detector to give the final emission rate \(\Phi_{\text{em, filtered}}\):

\[ \Phi_{\text{em, filtered}}(\lambda) = \Phi_{\text{em}}(\lambda) \times T_{\text{em}}(\lambda) \times \text{QE}(\lambda) \]


  • \(T_{\text{em}}(\lambda)\) is the transmission of the emission filters at each wavelength.
  • \(\text{QE}(\lambda)\) is the quantum efficiency of the detector at each wavelength.

The output of this stage (given by Simulation.filtered_emission_rates) is a 3D array with dimensions (C, F, W), but lacking spatial information:

  • The channel (C) dimension has coordinates representing the different optical configurations (e.g. filter sets) in the simulation, and len(C) is determined by the number of channels in the simulation.
  • The fluorophore (F) dimension has coordinates representing the different fluorophores in the simulation, and len(F) is determined by the number of unique fluorophores in the sample.labels field of the Simulation.
  • The wavelength (W) dimension has coordinates representing the wavelength of the emitted photons, with nanometer resolution.

It's worth pointing out that we need to calculate the emission spectral flux for every combination of fluorophore and channel in order to be able to include bleedthrough and crosstalk effects in the simulation. For example data[{'F': 0, 'C': 1}] would represent the emission flux of fluorophore 0 when excited by channel 1. This is why both F and C remain at this stage.


Each channel in the simulation is an arrangement of optical filters and light sources. (If the light source is omitted, it is assumed to be a flat white light source, and the excitation filter spectra are used directly).

sim = Simulation(
    # ...,
            "name": "Green",
            "filters": [
                {"type": "bandpass", "bandcenter": 470, "bandwidth": 40, "placement": "EX"},
                {"type": "longpass", "cuton": 495, "placement": "BS"},
                {"type": "bandpass", "bandcenter": 525, "bandwidth": 50, "placement": "EM"}


Things like fluorophore lifetime, ground state depletion, and photobleaching rate also need to be considered in this stage, but are not yet implemented. In order to properly simulate these effects, the simulation will need to also take into account the temporal aspects of the illumination pattern even within a single image. That's a lot of complexity. So for now, everything will be simulated as a steady-state emission flux.

Builtin library of common filter sets

microsim provides a library of common optical configs. For example, the above filter set arrangement shown above is a very common FITC filter set, which can be loaded from the library as follows:

from microsim.schema.optical_config import lib

sim = Simulation(
    # ...,

Optical Configurations from FPbase

You can also load optical configurations from FPbase microscope using the syntax microscope_id::config_name. For example, to load the "Widefield Green" config from the Example Simple Widefield microscope on FPbase, you would grab the microscope id from the URL (in this case wKqWbgAp) and add the config name (Widefield Green), separated by two colons (::):

sim = Simulation(
    # ...,
    channels=["wKqWbgAp::Widefield Green"],


Here are some useful FPbase microscopes with brand-specific filter set catalogs:

Optical Image#

  • method: Simulation.optical_image
  • value units: photons / second
  • dimensions:
    • C: Channel (categorical unit OpticalConfig)
    • Z: planes along the optical axis (units length).
    • Y: rows (units length).
    • X: columns (units length)

In this stage, the fluorophore distributions are scaled by the respective emission photon fluxes, and then convolved with the optical point spread function (PSF) of the microscope to form the (noise free) optical image.

Within each channel, the contributions of individual fluorophores are summed together to form the final image (allowing for crosstalk and bleedthrough). If you want access to the individual fluorophore contributions, you can use Simulation.optical_image_per_fluor, which retains the full (C, F, Z, Y, X) dimensions.


The point spread function describes the response of the imaging system to a point source. In the context of fluorescence microscopy, the PSF describes how light emitted from a point emitter (i.e. a single fluorophore) is "spread out" or blurred in the image due to diffraction.

In microsim, the PSF largely be determined by the ObjectiveLens and the Modality of the simulation

The output of this stage is a 4D array with dimensions (C, Z, Y, X) where the wavelength and fluorophore dimensions have been collapsed into the channel. Note that each channel dimension will contain the emission of all fluorophores that emit in the wavelength range of that channel. This is important for simulating "crosstalk" or "bleedthrough". Even for the case of a spectral detection system, the W dimension will be removed, but there would be a channel for each wavelength bin in the detector.


This example sets up a simulation with a confocal microscope with a 1.4 NA objective lens and a 1.2 AU pinhole. The simulation is set up to use the "491" optical configuration from the Example Yokogawa Setup (spinning disc confocal) microscope on FPbase.

sim = Simulation(
    # ...,
    objective_lens={"numerical_aperture": 1.4, "immersion_medium_ri": 1.515, 'specimen_ri': 1.33},
    modality={"type": "confocal", 'pinhole_au': 1.2},

Digital Image#

  • method: Simulation.digital_image
  • value units: gray levels
  • dimensions:
    • C: Channel (categorical unit OpticalConfig)
    • Z: planes along the optical axis (units length).
    • Y: rows (units length).
    • X: columns (units length)

The final stage of the simulation is the conversion of the filtered optical image into a digital image. This stage includes the addition of noise (photon or shot noise due to the discrete nature of photons, read noise due to imprecision in the detector, and other sources) as well as downsampling to the final image resolution.

The output of this stage is a 4D array with dimensions (C, Z, Y, X) where the values are in units of gray levels (integers). The values in the digital image will depend on the settings of the detector and the output_space.


This example sets up a simulation with a 16-bit detector with a read noise of 2 electrons rms, and a quantum efficiency of 0.82. Note that, for now, the "pixel size" is implicitly determined by the output_space parameter. But that will change in the future.

sim = Simulation(
    # ...,
    output_space={"downscale": 4},
    detector={"bit_depth": 16, "read_noise": 2, "qe": 0.82},


We don't yet model pixel-specific characteristics of sCMOS cameras. Ideally, we will generate a random "instance" of an sCMOS camera with noise, gain, and offset distribution pulled from a typical CMOS.