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Conceptual Overview#

The goal of microsim is to generate highly realistic simulated light microscopy images. The top level microsim.Simulation object contains all of the parameters that define the simulation, such as the shape and scale of the space in which the simulation is run, the sample to be imaged, the modality and optical configuration of the microscope, the detector, and the shape/scale of the final output image. Parameters are designed to be swappable and extensible, so it should be easy to "image" the same sample on various microscope setups.

Properties of fluorophores and optical configurations for microscopes can be loaded from external sources such as FPbase.

The simulation can be run on a CPU or GPU, and can be accelerated with Jax, Cupy, or PyTorch.

Possible applications include:

  • Teaching microscopy concepts
  • Generating realistic training data for machine learning models
  • Generating test data for image processing pipelines
  • Generating challenge/benchmark datasets with known ground truth.

Simulation Parameter Objects#

Microsim is designed as a set of pydantic objects. In addition to runtime type checking and coercion, this allows for easy serialization and deserialization of the simulation parameters.


All simulations start with a microsim.Simulation object, and the simulation is run by calling the run() method on this object.


Spaces define the shape and scale of the space in which the simulation is run. They can either be "concrete" spaces that provide the actual shape and scale, or relative spaces that provide a shape and scale downsampled or upsampled relative to another space.


Samples are declared as a list of FluorophoreDistribution objects, each of which specifies the distribution of fluorophores in the sample, and the type of fluorophore (e.g. EGFP, mCherry, etc.). Changing the fluorophore may change spectral properties, or signal to noise ratio, while changing the distribution changes the spatial properties of the sample.


The modality controls much of the image formation process, its render() method does much of the heavy lifting in the simulation. The modality is responsible for generating the raw image data from ground truth fluorophore positions. Example modalities include confocal, widefield, structured illumination, etc...

Objective Lenses#

Objective lenses control the properties of the objective lens, such as numerical aperture. Currently, this object is a bit overloaded as it also includes things like coverslip thickness.


Channels control the arrangement of filters in the microscope: excitation, emission, and dichroic filters. Channels can be used by the modality to determine signal, background, bleedthrough, etc...


Detectors control the properties of the detector, such as quantum efficiency, dark current, read noise, etc... The detector properties are generally applied after downsampling the image to the output (pixelated) space.


The settings object controls various global parameters of the simulation, such as the numpy-like backend to use (numpy, jax, cupy, pytorch), a random seed which can be used to make the simulation reproducible, and other general parameters.

Additional Functionality#

Point Spread Functions#

There is no top-level point spread function object in the simulation: most modalities will be responsible for generating their own point spread function based on the objective lens and other parameter that are passed into their render() method. The microsim.psf module contains some common point spread functions, with make_psf() being the most common entrypoint.


The microsim.fpbase module contains functions for loading fluorophore and optical configuration data from FPbase.

Open organelle#

The cosem folder contains functions for loading data from, which is an incredibly rich source of ground truth data. Open organelle has a database of FIB-SEM data collected at 4nm resolution, and segmented into organelles. (This is a work in progress)