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API Reference#

All classes here are importable from the microsim.schema module.


The top level object is the Simulation object. This object contains all the information needed to run a simulation.

microsim.schema.simulation #

Simulation #

Bases: SimBaseModel

Top level Simulation object.

digital_image(optical_image=None, *, exposure_ms=None, with_detector_noise=True) #

Return the digital image as captured by the detector.

This down-scales the optical image to the output space, and simulates the detector response. The return array has dimensions (C, Z, Y, X). The units are gray values, based on the bit-depth of the detector. If there is no detector or with_detector_noise is False, the units are simply photons.

emission_flux() #

Return the spatial emission in photons per second (after emission filters).

This is the ground truth data multiplied by the filtered emission rates, prior to convolution with the PSF.

This multiplies the per-fluorophore emission rates by the ground truth data to get the total emission flux for each voxel in the ground truth. The return array has dimensions (C, F, Z, Y, X). The units are photons/s.

Note, this integrates over all wavelengths. For finer control over the emission spectrum, you may wish to directly combine filtered_emission_rates with the ground truth data as needed.

This function is NOT used by run(). It is provided as a convenience for debugging and analysis. See also optical_image_per_fluor, which is similar to this function, but returns the image after convolution with the PSF. That function may return a different result than simply convolving this function's output with a single PSF, as it more accurately models multi-wavelength emission spectra (as superposition of multiple PSFs).

filtered_emission_rates() #

Return the emission rates for each fluorophore in each channel.

Returns a (C, F, W) array of emission rates for each fluorophore in each channel, as a function of wavelength. The units are photons/s. The range of wavelengths will encompass the union of all the fluorophores' emission spectra, and the rates will be zero where the fluorophore does not emit.


>>> sim = Simulation(...)
>>> rates = sim.filtered_emission_rates()
>>> rates.isel(c=0).plot.line(x='w') # plot emission of all fluors in channel 0

from_ground_truth(ground_truth, scale, **kwargs) classmethod #

Shortcut to create a simulation directly from a ground truth array.

In this case, we bypass derive the truth_space and sample objects directly from a pre-calculated ground truth array. scale must also be provided as a tuple of floats, one for each dimension of the ground truth array.

ground_truth() #

Return the ground truth data.

Returns position and quantity of fluorophores in the sample. The return array has dimensions (F, Z, Y, X). The units are fluorophores counts.


>>> sim = Simulation(...)
>>> truth = sim.ground_truth()
>>> truth.isel(f=0).max('z').plot()  # plot max projection of first fluorophore

optical_image() #

Return the optical image as delivered to the detector.

This is the same as optical_image_per_fluor, but sums the contributions of all fluorophores in each channel (which a detector would not know). The return array has dimensions (C, Z, Y, X). The units are photons/s.

optical_image_per_fluor() #

Return the optical image for each channel/fluorophore combination.

This is the emission from each fluorophore in each channel, after filtering by the optical configuration and convolution with the PSF.

The return array has dimensions (C, F, Z, Y, X). The units are photons/s.

plot(transpose=False, legend=True) #

Plot a summary of fluorophores and filters/configs used in the simulation.

Requires matplotlib.

As the number of channels increases, the plot may become crowded. In this case, consider setting transpose=True to plot channels on the x-axis and fluorophores on the y-axis.

run() #

Run the complete simulation and return the result.

This will also write a file to disk if output is set.


Spaces define the shape and scale of various spaces in the simulation. They can be defined in many different ways, but they all either directly declare or calculate the shape, scale, extent and axes names of the space in which the simulation is run.

For example, you might define the ground truth fluorophore distribution in a highly sampled space, and then downscale the resulting simulation to a realistic microscope image sampling.

from microsim import Simulation
import microsim.schema as ms

    # ground truth with z-step 20nm and XY pixel size 10nm
    truth_space=ms.ShapeScaleSpace(shape=(256, 1024, 1024), scale=(0.02, 0.01, 0.01)),
    # downscale output to 160nm x 80nm x 80nm pixels with shape (32, 128, 128)
    sample=ms.Sample(labels=[])  # ...

If one of the spaces is defined using a relative space such as DownscaledSpace, the other must be an absolute space such as ShapeScaleSpace. #

DownscaledSpace #

Bases: _RelativeSpace


Name Type Description Default
downscale tuple[int, ...] | int

ExtentScaleSpace #

Bases: _AxesSpace


Name Type Description Default
extent tuple[float, ...]
scale tuple[float, ...]

ShapeExtentSpace #

Bases: _AxesSpace


Name Type Description Default
shape tuple[int, ...]
extent tuple[float, ...]

ShapeScaleSpace #

Bases: _AxesSpace


Name Type Description Default
shape tuple[int, ...]
scale tuple[float, ...]

UpscaledSpace #

Bases: _RelativeSpace


Name Type Description Default
upscale tuple[float, ...] | int

Objective Lens#

Properties of the objective lens used in the simulation. Will help to determine the PSF and other optical properties of the simulation.

microsim.schema.lens #

ObjectiveKwargs #

Bases: TypedDict


Name Type Description Default
numerical_aperture float
coverslip_ri float
coverslip_ri_spec float
immersion_medium_ri float
immersion_medium_ri_spec float
specimen_ri float
working_distance float
coverslip_thickness float
coverslip_thickness_spec float
magnification float

ObjectiveLens #

Bases: SimBaseModel


Name Type Description Default
numerical_aperture float
coverslip_ri float
coverslip_ri_spec float
immersion_medium_ri float
immersion_medium_ri_spec float
specimen_ri float
working_distance_um float
coverslip_thickness_um float
coverslip_thickness_spec_um float
magnification float

magnification of objective lens.


cache_key() #

Persistent identifier for the model.

Optical Configs#

Optical configurations define the filters and wavelengths used in the simulation.

microsim.schema.optical_config #

LightSource #

Bases: SimBaseModel

scaled_spectrum() #

Return light source spectrum scaled to power, if present.

OpticalConfig #

Bases: SimBaseModel

emission: Filter | None property #

Combine all emission filters into a single spectrum.

excitation: Filter | None property #

Combine all excitation filters into a single spectrum.

illumination: Spectrum | None property #

Return the combined illumination spectrum.

This represents the spectrum of light source and all of the filters in the excitation path. If there are multiple light sources, they are combined. Different light sources can have different powers. In that case light sources are scaled by the respective light powers.

illumination_flux_density: xr.DataArray property #

Return the illumination flux density in photons/cm^2/s.

This is a measure of the number of photons per unit area per second in the excitation path of this optical configuration. It converts irradiance (W/cm^2) to photons/cm^2/s using the energy of a photon.

irradiance: xr.DataArray property #

Return the illumination irradiance in W/cm^2.

This scales the illumination spectrum to power. It is a measure of the power per unit area of the excitation path of this optical configuration, in W/cm^2, as a function of wavelength.

absorption_rate(fluorophore) #

Return the absorption rate of a fluorophore with this configuration.

The absorption rate is the number of photons absorbed per second per fluorophore, as a function of wavelength. It's a vector with a single axis W, and singleton dimensions F and C.

all_spectra() #

Return a DataArray with all spectra in this configuration.

filtered_emission_rate(fluorophore, detector_qe=None) #

Return the emission rate of a fluorophore with this config, after filters.

The emission rate is the number of photons emitted per second per fluorophore, as a function of wavelength, after being excited by this optical config, then passing through the emission path of this config. It's a vector with a single axis W, and singleton dimensions F and C.

This is the complete picture of the treatment of a specific fluorophore with this optical configuration. It takes into account:

- the excitation spectrum and extinction coefficient of the fluorophore
- the excitation filter/beamsplitter and light source spectra
- the quantum yield and emission spectrum of the fluorophore
- the emission filter/beamsplitter spectra
- camera QE, if passed

plot_emission(ax=None, detector_qe=None) #

Plot all components of the emission path.

plot_excitation(ax=None) #

Plot all components of the excitation path.

total_emission_rate(fluorophore) #

Return the emission rate of a fluorophore with this configuration.

The emission rate is the total number of photons emitted per second per fluorophore, as a function of wavelength, prior to any filtering in the emission path. It's a vector with a single axis W, and singleton dimensions F and C


Samples define the distribution and properties of fluorophores in the simulation. A Sample is a set of labels, each of which is a combination of a Fluorophore and a FluorophoreDistribution.

The FluorophoreDistribution is the primary object that determines what the sample will look like.

microsim.schema.sample #

CosemLabel #

Bases: _BaseDistribution

Renders ground truth based on a specific layer from a COSEM dataset.

Go to to find a dataset, and then chose a label from the dataset to render.

Fluorophore #

Bases: SimBaseModel

absorption_cross_section: xr.DataArray property #

Return the absorption cross section in cm^2.

all_spectra() #

Return a DataArray with both excitation and emission spectra.

FluorophoreDistribution #

Bases: SimBaseModel

__str__() #

Return a string representation of the fluorophore distribution.

from_array(array) classmethod #

Create a FluorophoreDistribution from a fixed array.

render(space, xp=None) #

Render the fluorophore distribution into the given space.

MatsLines #

Bases: _BaseDistribution


Name Type Description Default
type Literal[str]
density float
length int
azimuth int
max_r float


Modalities define the imaging modality used in the simulation, such as "widefield", "confocal", "3D-SIM", etc. This object has a lot of control over how other parts of the simulation are combined to render the final image.

microsim.schema.modality #

Confocal #

Bases: _PSFModality


Name Type Description Default
type Literal[str]
pinhole_au float

Identity #

Bases: _PSFModality

Optical modality in which PSF is not applied.

The idea is to use this modality when the ground truth flurophore distribution is generated from a light micorscope image, i.e., the PSF convolution is already applied on the image. This is useful primarily when you are more interested in the spectral properties (fluorophores, filters, bleedthrough, etc.) than the spatial properties (PSF, modality, etc.) in the simulation.

render(truth, em_rates, *args, **kwargs) #

Render a 3D image of the truth for F fluorophores, in C channels.

In this case we don't apply the PSF convolution, as the truth is assumed to be already convolved with the PSF. Therefore, we simply compute the emission flux for each fluorophore and each channel.

Widefield #

Bases: _PSFModality


Name Type Description Default
type Literal[str]


Various global settings for the simulation, such as the calculation backend (numpy, cupy, jax, etc...) and an optional random seed, which can be used to reproduce the same simulation multiple times.

Note that all of these settings can also be defined using environment variables prefixed with MICROSIM_. For example, to globally disallow caching, you can set MICROSIM_CACHE=0. Nested settings can be defined using __ as a separator, such as MICROSIM_CACHE__WRITE=0, which would disable writing to the cache (but still allow reading).

microsim.schema.settings #

CacheSettings #

Bases: SimBaseModel


Name Type Description Default
read bool
write bool

Settings #

Bases: SimBaseModel, BaseSettings


Name Type Description Default
np_backend Literal[str, str, str, str, str]
device Literal[str, str, str]
float_dtype dtype[floating]

Floating-point precision to use for simulations.

random_seed int | None
max_psf_radius_aus float | None

When simulating, restrict generated lateral PSF size to no more than this many Airy units. Decreasing this can dramatically speed up simulations, but will decrease accuracy. If None, no restriction is applied, and the psf will be generated to the full extent of the simulated space.

cache CacheSettings
CacheSettings(read=True, write=True)
binning_strategy Literal[str, str]

The strategy to use for binning data. 'equal_area' will divide the spectrum into intervals with intensity integral, while 'equal_space' will divide the range of values into equally spaced bins. Note that 'equal_area' is more accurate, but is not supported in the case of multiple fluorophores.

spectral_bins_per_emission_channel int

Number of wavelengths to use (per channel) when simulating the optical image. By default, a single centroid wavelength is used to approximatethe emission wavelength. Increasing this will make the simulation more realistic, by superposing multiple different PSFs, but will also increase memory usage and time.

spectral_bin_threshold_percentage float

Percentage of the total intensity to use as a threshold when binning the emission spectrum. This is used to determine the range of wavelengths to consider when simulating the optical image. First, the spectrum is trimmed to include only relevant wavelengths (those with intensity above this threshold). Then, the spectrum is discretized into spectral_bins_per_emission_channel bins.

num_wavelength_bins int

Number of bins to use when discretizing the wavelength spectrum.It regards the wavelength range for illumination and excitation spectra.Increasing this will increase accuracy but also increase memory usage.

min_wavelength int

Minimum wavelength to consider in the simulation.It is used to define the range of the wavelength spectrum when fluorophores are not defined.

max_wavelength int

Maximum wavelength to consider in the simulation.It is used to define the range of the wavelength spectrum when fluorophores are not defined.


Other Types#

Types used in the schema that may be used across categories.

microsim.schema.spectrum #

Spectrum #

Bases: SimBaseModel


Name Type Description Default
wavelength ndarray
intensity ndarray
scalar float

max_intensity: float property #

Maximum intensity.

peak_wavelength: float property #

Wavelength corresponding to maximum intensity.

get_overlapping_indices(ary1, ary2) #

Return slices of overlapping subset of arrays.

This assumes that the arrays are sorted 1d arrays.